This anthology series brings readers new tales of adventure from across the...
CHF 14.00
The Force unleashed! The Empire’s power is at its peak — but...
CHF 56.00
The history of the Old Republic! Five thousand years before Luke Skywalker,...
CHF 63.00
The Sith have their revenge! The Jedi are spread thin across the...
CHF 56.00
The Galacic Empire is on the rise as the Epic Collection series...
CHF 63.00
Bring on the bad guys! A former trooper, left for dead during...
CHF 56.00
When the Empire falls, a New Republic rises! After the events of...
CHF 63.00
The New Republic series of Star Wars Legends Epic Collections comes to...
CHF 63.00
More classic tales of Star Wars torn from the newspapers of a...
CHF 56.00
A long, LONG time ago… Discover the state of the Star Wars...
CHF 63.00
The Sith Empire has returned to the galaxy! Determined to crush the...
CHF 56.00
The rebels and the Empire - locked in conflict! When Leia announces...
CHF 56.00